Gap of Dunloe Halfday Walk 20 euro

Meet at oSullivans Bike Shop at the end of New St at 11 am for a half day walk in the famous mountain pass The Gap of Dunloe with its rugged scenery, and sparkling lakes.See An Chuimin Dubh (the black valley) the last place in Ireland to get electricity in 1978, a really beautiful place close to the banks of Loch Uachtar (upper lake). Total cost €20
Tar amach linn go dti an ait alainn seo i measc na cnoic.
To book this walk e-mail or phone 087 6394362
Richard Clancy local guide
walks/boat trips

Inisfallen Island on Loch Lein

Meet at oSullivans Bike Shop at 11am for a half-day guided walk/boat trip in Killarney National Park which includes a visit to the famous, and historic Inisfallen Island in the centre of beautiful Loch Lein. In times past the Vikings visited it as did Oliver Cromwells army in 1652 on their way to plunder Ross Castle. That famous Irishman Daniel oConnell spent the night here in 1828 unable to go ashore due to the stormy weather.Hopefully we wont be stormbound,and we can enjoy the unique flora,and fauna of this 23 acre gem where we will not only see the monastic ruins but also get a closer look at the oakwoods of Tomies. If the weather is unsuitable for boat travel then the cost will be just €10.
Total cost €20 booking required please 087 6394362 or
Inisfaithleann i lar na Locha tar amach linn

Language Walks all Year

What better way to learn a language than to use it in a natural setting with a native speaker. Out in the beautiful outdoors of Killarney National Park this would be ideal for school or other groups half or full day walks an ideal way to enhance your knowledge whether it be our own Irish, French,Spanish or another language. Is deis iontach chun aon teanga a fhoglaim.
Please contact Richard Clancy or 00 353 (0)87 6394362

Corran Tuathail Irelands highest mountain 40 euro

Corran Tuathail Mountain Climb
Irelands highest mountain meeting at 9am at Aghadoe Heights Hotel carpark (facing the lake) €40 each finishing time 5pm approx. Cost per person €40 if the weather is deemed too bad for Corran Tuathail an alternative full day walk will be done at half the price. Walking boots are neccessary for this climb.
To book contact Richard Clancy
00353 (0)87 6394362
Beidh failte romhat.